Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Idly Milagaipodi

Red chillies 1 cup (15-20 numbers)
Urud dhall - 1/2 cup
channa Dhall - 1/2 cup
Poppy seeds - 2 tsp (khus khus)
sesame seeds - 1/4 cup
Hing - 1 tsp
Salt - 1 1/2 tsp
cooking oil - 1 tsp.


1. Roast poppy seed and sesame seeds saparetly until the flavor comes out and keep aside.
2. In a pan add a little oil and fry urud dhall, channa dhall and red chillies until flavor comes out.
3. cool them add hing and salt and grind them coarsely. Serve with Idly and dosai.

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