Sunday, August 21, 2011

Mango Mousse

Pulp taken from 2 mangoes
1/2 box of Amul fresh cream
3 tbsp of powdered Sugar
1 tsp gelatin


1. In a bowl add 3 tbsp of powdered sugar and Fresh cream to this and keep whipping it until it gives you a thick cream. This will take a lot of time to get cream but keep doing it until u get the cream consistency.When you lift the whipping instrument cream should not fall bring it to that consistency.

2. Cut the mangoes and put it in a mixer and make it a pulp.

3. In a cup add 1 tsp of gelatin and 4-5 tsp of water and dissolve the gelatin. Add this gelatin to Mango Pulp mixture and keep it on a pan and heat it until its warm.

4. Now cool it. Mix the cream and mango pulp together and fold it nicely until the mixture blends nicely.You will see a melted icecream kind of consistency.

5. Pour it to the cups you wish to server and refrigerate it overnight.

6. Serve with mangoes or nuts and raisins on it (optional)

Mani kolukatai

This is mostly done on the festival times during Krishna Jeyanthi and Vinayagar Chaturthi.

Rice Flour - 1 cup
Water 1/2 tumbler
salt 2 pinch
cooking oil

For Poornam:
Urud Dhall- 1/4 cup
Toor dhall - 1 1/2 tbsp
Dry chilies - 2-3

For seasoning :
Mustard adn urud dhall
Red chillies - 2
curry leaves
cooking oil
salt and hing

Method :
1. For poornam : Soak urud dhall and toor dhall for 20 mins and grind them with red chilli and salt. Now pour this to a idly plate and steam and cool it. scramble it into podimas and keep aside.

2. In a Vok, add water, salt and 2 spoon of oil and wait for it to boil, when its boiling add the rice flour gradually and mix it to form a dough in slow flame.Now cool it and make small balls and steam once again it.

3. Heat oil in a kadai, temper the curry leaves, mustard seeds, red chilly and hing and put the poornam and saute it.then Add the kolukattais and mix well. keep stirring for few mins and serve.

Mixed Vegetable Kurma

This kurma is more like the one we get from hotels.After finding a lots of sites and references I managed to get this and have tried cooking for the last 3-4 yrs now. And everyone in my family likes this kurma with parota and other tiffins

Requirements :
2 cups of Vegetables (Beans, carrot,Potato, peas)
1 onion chopped finely
1 big tomato
Ginger garlic paste - 2 tsp
Whole garam masala like Cinnamon,bay leaf,cloves etc
Salt and Oil as required.
Garam masala - 1 tsp
Mint leaves - few

To Grind into Paste

Green Chillies - 4-6 according to taste
Coriander seeds - 1 tsp
Jeera - 1 tsp
saunf or Aniseeds - 1 tsp
cashews - 6 (soak for 30 mins along with khus khus)
khus khus - 1 tsp
coconut - 1/4 cup
coriander leaves 1 tsp finely chopped

1. Heat a vok with 2 tbsp of oil and add the whole garam masalas to this.

2. Add onion and saute it, then add ginger garlic paste and saute until the raw smell goes.

3. Add tomatoes and wait for it to cook well and blend with onions. Add the vegetables to this and saute..sprinkle some water and close the lid, wait for the vegetables to cook well.

4. when its cooked add the ground paste to the vok and add required amount of water, salt, garam masala powder and mix it. wait for it to boil well.

5. When its boiled add the mint leaves to this and stir it and stop the flame and serve hot with parota.It also goes well with dosai,idly,chapathi, poori etc.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Squid Fry (Sea Food)

Squid - 200 gms
Chilli Powder - 1 tsp
coriander powder - 1 tsp
garam masala powder - 1/2 tsp
turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
Mustard and urud dhall for seasoning
salt and oil required

Method :

This is a very simple process of frying squid.

1. Make sure to clean squid and cut them into rings and heads keep aside. Drain all water when you clean it.
2. In a Vok, Add oil and season it and Add the squid rings and saute it.
3. Add all the above masalas and salt and saute it. Dont add water as squid automatically leaves water. Close the vok with a lid and leave it for 5 mins.
4. It will boil and get cooked with the water and the water evaporates to give you Fried squid.
6 Serve with sambar rice or Any rice. Its very tasty.

Vangi Bath (Brinjal Rice)

Brinjal - 200 gms
Boiled Rice - 4 cups
ground nuts - 1/2 powdered - 2 to 3 tbsp
Turmeric powder - 1 tsp
Salt and oil - as required

For seasoning :
Mustard and Urud dhall- 1 tsp
Red Chilli - 2 to 3
curry leaves - few

To fry and grind into powder

Red Chilli - 4 nos
Corriander seeds- 1 tbsp
Channa Dal - 1 tbsp
Khus Khus - 1/2 tsp
hing 1 pinch
sesame seeds - 1 tsp
garam masala - 1 tsp
coconut - 2 tsp grated

Heat a pan and fry each of them separately in a drop of oil cool it and grind it into a powder.For sesame and khus khus no need oil.

Method :

1. Add oil and do the seasoning with the seasoning items above.
2. Add brinjals and allow it to cook until it becomes soft.
3. Add turmeric powder to this and mix it. Now add the ground powder to this and saute until it mixes well.
4. Add salt and oil if required and allow it to cook until raw smell goes. Switch of the flame.
5. Add this to the Boiled Rice and add ground nuts and Mix well.( You can heat a spoon of ghee and fry cashews and add them this, its optional)
6. Serve Hot

Tamarind Rice

Tamarind - Big Lemon Size
Boiled Rice - 3 cups
Mustard and urud dhal- 1 tsp
Channa Dal - 2 tsp
Red chilli - 5-7 nos
Curry Leaves - few
Hing - 1 pinch
Cashews - 10 nos
Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
Ground nuts - 1/4 cup ( half powdered)
Gingelly oil and salt as required

Method :

1.Pressure Cook Rice and put it on a plate and cool it, Keep Aside.
2. soak and Squeeze tamarind into thick pulp and keep Aside
3. In a pan, add oil and when heats add mustard and Urud dhal to this when it splutters add the other items channa dhal, cashews,curry leaves, hing, red chilli and fry it..don't leave it to go black.
4. Add tamarind Pulp to this and add salt and turmeric powder and leave it to boil.
5. Wait till oil oozes out and pulp thickens.Switch off the Flame.
6. Add rice to this and check salt and mix them well. Add 2 tsp of gingely oil to this mixture to make the rice soft.
7. Serve with papad or apalam or potato fry

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Mango smoothi for Kids

Mango - 1 cup
Milk - 1/2 cup
powdered Sugar - 2 tsp
Mango Essence - 2 drops (optional)

Method :

1. Put the above ingredients in a mixer and blend them to a thick paste and refrigerate it.
2 Serve chill and kids will like it.

Onion Chutney

Onion 2 - Medium
Tomato - 2 Medium
Red Chilly - 2 to 3 nos
Tamarind - 1 inch
salt - 1 tsp
Oil and water as required.

For seasoning

Mustard and Urud dhall
Curry leaves

Method :
1. In a pan add a spoon of oil and saute onion, tomato, red chilly and tamarind until its done and grind it into a paste with required salt and water.

2. Season it with mustard and urud dhall with curry leaves and serve with Idly and Dosai

Ven Pongal with Mysore Dhall

Raw Rice - 1 cup
Moong dhall - 1/2 cup
pepper - full or broken - 2 tsp
jeera - 1 tsp
Ginger - cut into small pieces - 1 tbsp
Cashews - 8- 10 numbers
curry leaves few
salt, ghee, oil as required

Method :

1. Pressure cook raw rice and moong dhall with 3 1/2 cups of water and required salt for about 4-5 whistle.
2. In a pan add some ghee and little oil and season it with peper, Jeera, Ginger, cashews and curry leaves and mix it with cooked pongal ..server hot with Chutney and sambar or dhall.

Mysore dhall

Mysore dhall - 1/2 cup
Turmeric powder - 1 tsp
Tomato - 2 Medium
Green chilly -2
Onion - 1 small
Sambar powder - 1 tsp
salt, water and oil as required

For seasoning

Mustard and Urud dhall
Curry leaves


1.In a pressure cooker add dhall, tomato,green chilly with a pinch of turmeric powder and a drop of oil and bring it to 3-4 whistle.Smash it well.
2. In a Vok add some oil and season it with above ingredients and then add onion to this when onion is cooked add the smashed dhall mixture and required water and salt to this.
3. Give it a stir and add sambar powder to this and wait for it to Boil.
4. You can serve this for Pongal,Idly,Dosai, chapathi etc.